“The Amplified – Escape to Peru” an Adventure Novel

By Michael Witt

Adventure novel through Peru

Running three-week tours through Peru, mecca for adventurers, Ace Caruthers doesn’t realize what he has just signed up for. He has become part of an operation, The Amplified, that has strategically placed a cocaine production facility, “the farm,” in the Amazon and uses the tour routes and tourists as a front to smuggle kilos of Peruvian “bananas” out of the jungle.

Ace navigates groups through this land of stunning beauty, where towering, snow-capped Andes run into the vast Amazon, legends, ruins and enigmas abound and drug deals go sideways. Will the guidance of an old shaman be enough to save Ace and the Amplified as ancient rituals are learned and used to further dark desires?

Buckle up for a fast-paced tale of adventure through Peru. Michael Witt, author and former expert guide and tour manager in Peru, brings to life a page-turning story with The Amplified – Escape to Peru. You will be left wanting to buy a plane ticket to enjoy Peru’s splendor, while asking yourself, “Would I have done it?”

Reviews – “THE AMPLIFIED – Escape to Peru”

Perfect Beach Read

Bridget Reilly 5 out of 5 stars “Fun Ride “

Very entertaining and exciting read. I enjoyed the way the Incan mythology was interwoven into the tale, and geese, who doesn’t want to surf all over the South American continent, party with hot chicks, and dabble with drugs!

Adventure Novel for Backpackers

Timmy P. – “Dude, I love traveling and surfing through South America. This was a fun read as I hoped buses, plains and trains visiting surf breaks in Peru. Great job!

I had so much fun reading your book, Mike!” Lisa G., Manhattan Beach, CA

Teasers from “The Amplified – Escape to Peru”

The Amplified - Escape to Peru at Machu Picchu

Hanging out in Lima:

“’Yeah, it’s the big man’s nickname,’ Markus said and exhaled smoke through the corner of his mouth. ‘Some of the locals living up in the altiplano gave it to him when he first made to South America. They went scurrying for cover when they mistook his booming voice for thunder. Thunder’s as good a nickname as any for him.’”

Surfing Punta Hermosa Peru

Surfing Punta Hermosa:

“Shooting down the face, I used the momentum to cut back up the wave, and a hollow, thundering sound opened behind me. I looked back and found the wave barreling, forming a tube of rolling water. I dragged my fingers through the face of the wave, slowing the board’s momentum, and squatted down. The wave caught up and covered me. It sucked me back into its hollow. Inside, the sun glinted through the top of the wave. A great rumbling bellowed through the tube, and wind gushed, spraying water past me. So this is what it’s like to be in the green room, I thought. With a final heave, the wave spat me out and the barrel closed. The raging wave tired and slopped the rest of its way to shore.”

“We walked over to the single arrival gate as the whine of the engines fell. The tiny airport was constructed with wood lattice walls that allowed jungle breezes to pass through and knock off a couple of degrees of the sweltering heat. Beads of perspiration appeared on my arms.

It was nine a.m.

Touring the Amazon

Heading into the Amazon:

“We walked over to the single arrival gate as the whine of the engines fell. The tiny airport was constructed with wood lattice walls that allowed jungle breezes to pass through and knock off a couple of degrees of the sweltering heat. Beads of perspiration appeared on my arms.

It was nine a.m.

“Three wobbly fans spun from the high ceiling inside the wood lattice structure. Passengers crowded the single luggage carousel inside. Yellowing posters hung about the arrival gate, warning about mosquitoes and the risk of malaria. They silently requested certificates, but no one was present to check for yellow fever vaccinations or administer the shots if needed.”

Michael Witt – About the Author

Michael Witt Venice, CA

A native of Los Angeles, CA and currently residing in Venice Beach, CA, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, Michael Witt set out for high adventure when he was hired on as an expert guide to run three-week tours through Peru and Bolivia. While in South America, for this particular stint, Michael noted not only the beauty of the area, but was called to the legends and enigmas.

When Michael isn’t planning his next adventure, or writing about it, he can be found out in the waves at his local surf breaks in Venice, Manhattan Beach, La Ocho y Aviones.

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